Friday, June 25, 2010

Downtown Gettysburg

The Hubby and I recently ventured south to Gettysburg, as evidenced by our visit to Boyds Bear Country.  It was fantastic!  We stayed in Chambersburg, about a half-hour drive away from the city.  We spent Saturday perusing downtown and taking a Ghost Walk.  We dined well, we walked lots, we picked up sun.  But most importantly, we got to feed The Hubby's intense love of history of all sorts.  See?  Even canons entertained him!  This post is dedicated strictly to Saturday's events in Gettysburg itself.

Unfortunately, there isn't too much to report on.  The walking was a lot of fun but hot!  We visited a local bakery for some iced drinks, we window-shopped.  At lunch we had delicious French cuisine from Cafe Saint Amand:  We met up with my parents and had dinner followed by a tour at The Farnsworth Inn.  I didn't post their link because everything about them was overpriced.  Their period dining was good, not great, and their walking tour dragged, sadly.  We started in the attic (a piece we missed out on due to a sick child), and continued on to the Jenny Wade House, the Soldier's Museum, and the Grove.  Every time our storyteller stopped to talk, all I could think was, "Next, this is boring!"  She also seemed quite skeptical to ghosts, disregarding feelings and suspicious activities instead of pumping them up.  I told my parents, the walk seemed more like an ANTI-ghost tour, and would have been about a million times better drunk.  They both heartily agreed.  Sad.  Attached below are pictures from downtown Gettysburg as well as our walk.  All the pictures in the field were at the Grove.

Now, let me tell you, the Grove is an interesting place.  We were brought to an area that is technically on a local school's grounds.  Because of that, we were allowed to be on it at eleven at night (park property is closed to the public by nine with hefty fines and an overnight jail stay).  The area behind the bleachers is rumored to be the most haunted, and walking through it in the dark is none too pleasant.  I suspect most people creep themselves out, what with it being night on a lonely secluded hill, with towering bleachers on one side and dense woods on the other.  It's enough to make anyone nervous.  I snapped a bunch of pictures in this area with potential orbs.  Of course, I'm sure most are dust and bugs and what-not, but my sister was not picking up these things the way I was seeming to.  It's more a point I can tease her with than actual evidence, but it's still fun to pretend.

After the walk, we made our way back to our hotels to start the next day visiting the cemetery, the battlegrounds, and finally headed home.  Enjoy the pictures from town, we enjoyed taking them!

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